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Why we’re supporting Adire Street Cultural Carnival -Fashina, DG, Infinity Promotion

Mr Taye Fashna, the Director-General of London based entertainment outfit, Infinity Promotion, has said the organization is fully ready to support the upcoming Adire Street Cultural Carnival later this year because it believes in the promotion of Yoruba culture and heritage.

Popularly known as ”Mayor of London’, Fasina, who also doubles as the Director of Lady of Africa Empowerment and Advocacy Foundation, organisers of the upcoming carnival, said the carnival would empower over five million Nigerians as producers of the local fabric would have opportunity to market their products.

He added it’s high time Nigerians especially the Yoruba tribe appreciates what they have rather than patronizing foreign-made fabrics.

He further said it’s disheartening other countries are taking away the Yoruba culture and heritage and appreciates them more than the owners of such culture.

“The Adire Street Culture Carnival would help to fight against poverty through direct empowerment of indigents people. That the Nigerian economy is in crisis is no longer a debate but we cannot sit down to sulk, thus we must all rise to the occasion by creating proactive measures to combat the problem confronting our dear country today. One of the ways we can do it is to promote our culture as Yoruba and use what we have to generate income for ourselves, ” Fasina said.”Our projection is to ensure that the Adire empowers the people and create sustainable wealth that will be ploughed back to continuously stimulate the economies of local communities.

The foundation has a plan to empower directly 10,000 producers of the Adire per year and gradually grow it to 20,000 producers per year in the first three years reaching 50,000 producers per year by the year 2025.

We anticipate that we would have been able to directly empower 180,000 producers within the same period, while we plan to indirectly empower over 5million by the year 2025,” Fasina said.

He further said the carnival would put the Adire fabrics on the same level with foreign-made materials, thereby making them acceptable internationally.

“Our projection which is to revolutionize the way we use and wear the Adire has almost been achieved and we are rapidly marching towards the second stage of the plan which is to put adire on the same pedestal as the Ankara ‘ guinea brocade ‘and other well-accepted materials from across the globe.

Fasina, who is also the Director of numerous companies, and a well known cultural ambassador having promoted several Nigerian musical artistes both in the United Kingdom and the United States and other European countries, said he believes in helping many people to achieve a purpose in life, said the carnival afford him the opportunity to contribute his quota to the well-being of the people.
