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Talking Sex:  Before you go for that boob enlargement (1)

Yemisi Olusina

No doubt, big boobs are good, alluring, attractive and give a great fit to dresses than smaller boobs. But, they are not the greatest deals as popularly imagined and paraded. What we are trying to say here is that smaller boobs have great advantages or benefits that big boobs do not have.

Some researchers backed this up with their findings. One essential and fundamental fact you must know is that breast size is hinged on genetics. This means if your mother’s side of the family were not endowed with big boobs, you are more likely to be small-breasted as well and vice versa. Simply put, a woman’s breast size is hereditary and determined by her genes and body type.

That, however, doesn’t stop any woman with smaller breasts from getting a boob job if that will boost her self-esteem if she feels insecure about her chest size.

But before you go for that boob enlargement, here are the perks of the smaller ones you have been endowed with.


They give more pleasure during foreplay

Unlike those with large boobs, women with small breasts are more likely to enjoy more pleasure during foreplay,

A study from the University of Vienna confirmed this. It found that smaller breasts are more sensitive; whereas large-breasted women have 24 per cent less sensitivity than smaller breasts. It further explained that because small breasts have less fatty tissue,  they are easier to stimulate during foreplay to give pleasure to their owners, adding that while most big breasts are without nipples, smaller breasts are and this provides men with something to work with during foreplay.


No saggy fear

Because they are small, they hardly sag distastefully like the bigger ones, so, they stay attractive for many years when naked.


No back pain

If you ask most women with big boobs, they will tell you that one of the challenges of being heavily endowed is the effect of its weight on their back. They constantly suffer pain in the back, which explains why they appear a bit hunched and bent kind of. This is not the case with women with smaller breasts

Because they are not heavy, they are easy to exercise with.


Exposes cancer

Another plus of having smaller boobs is the ability it offers to detect breast cancer easily. This, according to scientists, is made possible because smaller breasts have fewer layers of tissue in front of them, which makes it easier to detect lumps and catch breast cancer early. This is not the same with big boobs.

Grace to wear button-up shirts

Button-up shirts and V-necks are convenient to wear for small-boob ladies. For the endowed, this is not so as they have to worry about their breasts popping out time after time, and at times, they lose the buttons along the line with the weight of the boobs on them and with the constant adjustment they keep making in the area.
