Have you ever wondered if that child of yours is gifted? While we all dream of having one, it is not all children that can be gifted. But how will you know if you have one in your hands?
While there is no one perfectly accurate descriptor of “giftedness,” intelligent quotient (IQ) tests and other assessments can determine it but even simple observation by family, teachers, and friends can ascertain this.
Of course, many of us hope to have a gifted child. But if you want it too badly, you risk putting too much pressure on the child!
If you suspect you have a gifted child, there are signs you can look out for.
What does such a child have?
For starters, many people are confused about what “giftedness” means. Schools, organisations, and cultures around the world use it differently.
On one hand, some institutions use the term strictly to describe people of above-average intelligence when measured by IQ score. On the other hand, other institutions recognise giftedness through a broader range of criteria.
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The National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) offers a more definitive description of a gifted child.
“Gifted individuals are those who demonstrate outstanding levels of aptitude (defined as an exceptional ability to reason and learn) or competence (documented performance or achievement in top 10 percent or rarer) in one or more domains.
Domains include any structured area of activity with its own symbol system like mathematics, music, language and/or set of sensorimotor skills, such as painting, dance and sports, etc.
Although findings show that there are some traits that define a gifted child, it is important to remember that a gifted child will not exhibit all of the traits detailed below.
– A gifted child learns rapidly, easily, and efficiently.
Such a child has an exceptionally large vocabulary for his or her age.
– Demonstrates unusual reasoning power.
They have an unusually strong memory. But they’re easily bored with memorisation and recitation.
Needs little control from outsiders because he applies self-discipline.
– Has a liking for structure, order, and consistency.
– He is flexible in thinking patterns. Makes unusual associations between remote ideas.
– Displays a great curiosity about objects, situations or events. Asks provocative questions.
– Makes good grades in most subjects.
Has a power of concentration, an intense attention that excludes all else.
Provides very alert, rapid answers to questions.
He is resourceful, solving problems by ingenious methods.
– Has avid interest in science or literature.
Reveals originality in oral and written expression.
Has a power of abstraction, conceptualisation and synthesis.
– He is secure emotionally.
Tends to dominate peers or situations.
Uses a lot of common sense.
Displays a willingness to accept complexity.
He is perceptually open to his or her environment.
Meanwhile, there are other ways to know if a child is gifted or not.
These include specific academic aptitude, creative thinking and production, leadership, psychomotor ability, and visual and performing arts.
Whether your child is gifted or not, she deserves all the love, attention, care and learning that you can give. In addition, know that every child is created with a peculiar trait, meaning every child is gifted in one way or another, so, they all deserve to be treated specially and appreciated.