Take a fresh look at your lifestyle.


By Anthony Iwuoma

I read the above drivel by one quantity called Collins Opuruzor and I puked. I puked because this  Collins Opuruzor has since been consigned to the dustbin of dishonourable men; doggy men who return to their vomit and relish it.

This was a man who left light for darkness because of the king’s poisoned porridge, something Biblical Daniel rejected and chose instead to be fed to lions. Of course, lions could never consume the child of the Lion of Judah. He survived. Opuruzor knew this but could not resist Uzodinma’s meal. What hunger cannot do for people like Opuruzor does not exist.

One of the things I am seriously worried about is the lack of honour in politics. This is why charlatans, fraudsters and nitwits have made it a vocation. They are the ones that create the impression that politics is a dirty game thereby repulsing and keeping away noblemen that could have served the people and leave worthwhile trails of quality service.

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Before this Opuruzor decided to consort with darkness, he was live on Arise Television to chronicle the obvious atrocities of the Uzodinma administration. Like a diarrheic mouth in that interview, before his light was eclipsed, Opuruzor talked about several extrajudicial murders and attacks in Imo State, naming victims. He said security agencies, especially ‘Uzodinma’s Ebubeagu’ were implicated, adding that there were no investigations into these killings. He also disclosed that two-thirds of Imo territory were occupied by ‘terrorists’, for instance, that Orsu was a no-go-area. He cited Hon.  Ikenga Ugochinyere Imo whose house was attacked multiple times, leaving his relations killed and property destroyed.

Opuruzor said all sectors in Imo have collapsed and described Uzodinma as a colossal failure. He added that despite billions of local government funds collected by the governor, he had not dropped even a trip of sand anywhere. He noted that there was massive decay of infrastructure in the state, among several other weighty and verifiable revelations.

People hailed him but sadly, he jumped ship right into the belly of Frankenstein and lost relevance. What has changed that changed Opuruzor?

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People of conscience mourned Opuruzor while still alive but he got ensnared by the droppings from Uzodinma’s table. He chose to grope in the darkness of his noonday, hence the temerity to pen this trash under reference.

One truth in this though is his reference to Niccolo Machiavelli’s book from where he lifted a quote: “The only way to keep something to yourself forever is to destroy it.”

Opuruzor is right. Who does not know that Uzodinma has destroyed Imo State because he wants to keep it to himself? Who does not know that communities have been burnt down, monarchs lost their crown-decked heads, youths guillotined because he wants to keep Imo to himself? Who does not know that even in this election, the governor has shut out the billboards of opposing candidates, leaving only his sickening posters everywhere because he doesn’t want to vacate Douglas House but to keep it to himself? Who does not know that the Imo local government has been decimated because he wants to keep all authority to himself? Who does not know that workers have been made ghostly, some ghosts by the government because he wants to keep state funds to himself? Common, Opuruzor, you should be smarter than this!

In fact, it is the issue of the suffering workers that brought things to a head and this sorry pass currently being experienced in the state.

Joe Ajaero, President of the Nigerian Labour Congress, NLC, came to Owerri to lead a protest of the workers over several months of unpaid salaries and pensions. The man who wants to keep Imo State to himself forever (apologies Opuruzor) reportedly let loose his goons on the sparse-framed Ajaero and beat him to stupor allegedly in connivance with police operatives, who later claimed that they took him into protective custody.

What the man who wants to keep Imo State to himself did not know was that what Ajaero lacked in physique, he had it full of in mettle. That is why the army of the ‘president’ and fellow commanders in labour matters have shut down Imo State but Opuruzor left substance to pursue shadows. Does a man whose house is on fire chase rats?


What has the crisis got to do with the incoming governor of Imo State, Senator Athan Nneji Achonu since he is neither a ‘ghost worker’ in Uzodinma’s civil service nor a labour leader?

The question Opuruzor should answer is, if Uzodinma had paid workers their salaries, would Ajaero have come to Owerri to lead a protest? If Uzodinma’s mad dogs had not attacked the man, would there have been this shut down?

Opuruzor pretends not to know the answers but that’s not unexpected.

“Imo is in darkness. And someone caused it. We must now put the blame where it belongs,” he wrote but yes, Ndi Imo know who brought grief and sorrow upon the once tranquil state.

Definitely, Achonu has nothing to do with this but is only focused on rescuing Imo from the stranglehold of an emperor, who, as a chief security officer, does not feel queasy walking on blood washed streets of the land.

Opuruzor further wrote: “Let there be no doubts, Achonu brought this blackout upon our people. He is determined to do even worse. It is either he becomes governor or Imo becomes a land of bones and skulls.”

This is laughable. Did he think he was writing to people on Mars? Everyone knows that Achonu’s only crime is wanting to sweep away this quasi government under which Imo became “a land of bones and skulls.” That is why people are resisting its return to office.

Achonu too was a victim of this madness when he escaped death by the whiskers last Sunday. But for his display of maturity, blood would have flowed when menacing agents of the state government forced him back on his way to an engagement in a church in Owerri amidst gunfire.

To ‘Take Back Imo’ to its glorious years is the major theme of Achonu’s campaign. Only beneficiaries of the chicanery in the state feel otherwise.

Like the modern-day Goebbels, Opuruzor has distended his vile propaganda too wide and wild. He claimed that there was incontrovertible evidence that Achonu ‘contracted’ Ajaero to come and occupy Imo State without providing the contractual papers.

Contrary to his claims though, Uzodinma felt he was invincible and could do anything and get away with it. Sadly, for him, he has shot himself in the leg and Imo is now definitely going to have an election not Uzodinma’s traditional selection like he did in the March legislative election in the state. That is why he is crying wolf because his rigging machinery has been dismantled. The federal might has stepped in to show its neutrality in the election against Uzodinma’s exoectations. People can now come out boldly to vote without fear that their heads may not return home with them.

I actually overrated Opuruzor when I likened him to Goebbels. Their only similarity is in craft – propensity to deceive. Little did I know that Opuruzor is actually a fumbling neophyte.

He wrote: “The disturbing thing about this desperation for power by Achonu is that it seems to have explained the extent to which some politicians can go just to capture power. The bloodshed, the inferno and the abductions in Imo, especially targeted at members of the APC, seem to be finding explanations in these unfolding events. Whoever that could conspire to throw Imo into darkness has killed the entire state. Now we know better! And we shall never forget!

So far as God is on the throne, Imo state must never slip away from its trajectory of sustained greatness. It must not go adrift. It must not fall into the thorny and rocky terrains of the enemies. They want to rule us through destruction. Does our God sleep or slumber? We shall know on Saturday.”

Opuruzor’s presentation points to self-indictment. Ndi Imo know who he is actually referring to, and who is redponsinle for ‘the bloodshed, the inferno and the abductions in Imo’,  and would have loved it if he had provide evidence of the alleged attacks on the APC like he did on his Arise TV interview; unless this is a different Opuruzor writing.

However, Opuruzor must not take the name of God in vain. They can get away with anything but not messing with God.

Well, I think Opuruzor deserves the pity of all of us. He is overwhelmed by the complexity of marketing a bad product.

In fact, the federal authorities are now all over the state, even using helicopters to drop leaflets, urging people to come and vote, assuring them of protection and that their votes must count.

One funny aspect of this government is their fixation on Achonu? Did they not say he collected $1 million from the governor to be his placeholder? Now they admit that they were deceiving the people all along? Why are they morbidly afraid of the man? Is he the only candidate in the election? The answer is simple and Ndi Imo must be clear on this: Achonu, the One-Arm General (Agu Otu Aka) is the only capable candidate that can recover and ‘Take Back Imo’ to where See Sam Mbakwe left it, and even beyond.

People should come out en masse to vote if they truly desire a change. Not doing so would be a tacit vote for the continuation of devastation and deprivation in the state. That change can only become possible when people troop out to vote, and vote wisely too. Life is about the family, not cockerels or inanimate brooms or such strange representations.

Come out and vote; vote for your today and your children’s tomorrow. There is adequate security to protect the voters and their votes. Like Kenneth Kaunda’s Zambia must be free; Imo must be free.

Now or never!

Iwuoma wrote from Abuja
