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Of a CCT trial, 46 SANs, EFCC’s invasion, and other matters

Another issue that has dominated the media space in recent times is the trial of the Chief Justice of Nigeria, CJN, Justice Walter Onnoghen at the Code of Conduct Tribunal, CCT, over the false declaration of his assets.

The trial, its adjournment, the freezing of the CJN’s accounts and the subsequent alleged invasion of his residence by the security operatives has continued to generate reactions and create a buzz online.

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According to Adeola, “Nobody is talking about the moral burden in the hands of the CJN. Should someone else commit the same offence the CJN has committed, which he practically agreed to, what will be his judgment against that person? Nigerians are highly immoral people,” he wrote.

Similarly, Wilsamrob lent his voice to the discussion. In his words: “It’s amazing how people one thought were honest and straightforward will twist issues just to protect their selfish interest. All the support being canvassed by senior lawyers on this matter is just for culinary [sic] gains.”
