Take a fresh look at your lifestyle.

If your armpits have a horrible scent, please consider switching from deodorant to antiperspirant.

So, here’s the deal: There isn’t good science to support that diet changes (like eliminating garlic or onions) are going to make a difference.
The best advice is to keep the sweat underarms to a minimum.
Because sweat feeds bacteria, stopping sweat will be the best way to control underarm odours.
Clean Those Pits
Prevention starts in the shower. Look for a gentle soap that contains an antibacterial wash or a cleanser with sodium hydrochloride.
A good 10 to 15 seconds of massaging a cleanser into underarms will do a nice job of temporarily ridding bacteria in this area.
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Dry Them Well
Dry armpits create a less-friendly environment for bacteria to flourish. For the ladies, you can even use your hairdryer if you want. Just be careful not to burn yourself!
And most importantly use Antiperspirant
They are traditionally better than deodorants, they contain ingredients that decrease sweating significantly.
(There is no scientific evidence that an antiperspirant will up your risk of cancer or other major health risks)