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Gov. Sule inaugurates state council to implement national policy on MSMEs

Governor Abdullahi Sule of Nasarawa State  has inaugurated the State council on implementation of the national policy on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), in line with the policy thrust of President Muhammadu Buhari,  with a view to opening up the frontiers of economic activities to thrive across the country.

Governor Sule inaugurated the committee, with himself as the Chairman, at a ceremony at the Government House, on Thursday.

According to the governor, inauguration of the state council on the implementation of the national policy on MSMEs,  will see to the domestication of the policy in Nasarawa State, earlier formulated by the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN), which will serve as a vehicle to enhance sustainable economic development.

Being the first ever national policy on MSMEs, Governor Sule opined that it was meant to facilitate and sustain a vibrant MSMEs subsector, which will drive national economic growth and employment.

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While the national committee on MSMEs will be headed by the Vice President Femi Osibanjo, the committee at the state level will be chaired by the governor, with members drawn from relevant ministries, as well as major stakeholders.

The governor disclosed that with SMEDAN being a one-stop shop for MSMEs development in the country, part of its mandate is to initiate and articulate policy ideas for the Small and Medium Enterprises growth and development, as well as promote, facilitate developmental programmes, instruments and support services to accelerate the modernization of MSMEs operators.

“It will also serve as a vanguard for rural industrialisation, poverty reduction, job creation and enhanced livelihood,” he stated.

The 21-member committee inaugurated in Nasarawa State, would  have Governor Abdullahi Sule as Chairman, Hon Obadiah Boyi,  Commissioner of Trade, Industry and Investment, as Vice Chairman, while Bashir Shola, State Director, SMEDAN,  will serve as Secretary.
