Take a fresh look at your lifestyle.

Getting yourself in the mood

Findings have shown that something as unnoticeable as the wind can make a man get hard and high for the show, but for women, things are a bit more complicated. For them, it is a lot of hard work. Women need love and affection in order to really get going.

Well, as this is seldom served by men, women, most of the time, just play indifferent and somehow get that feeling of ‘just being used’.

But then, it should not continue to be like that.  Sex, whether we like it or not is awesome, healthy and an essential part of any relationship. Much as it cannot be avoided by either of the parties, it definitely must be enjoyed. It should not just be a duty that you just must respond to, it should be fun and used to your advantage.

With factors, such as age, menopause, moods or stuffs on your mind, stress from the office or domestic chores, family issues and others regularly coming up as challenges, it sometimes gets hard to feel sexy, let alone desire sex. But once you noticed that you are struggling with getting into the mood despite being attracted to your partner, you should know that you need to jumpstart your sex life. It is very important.

 Here are a few options that may help you get there.

  1. Learn to touch yourself

For many women, touching themselves is like one big sin like witchcraft. That is not true. When you touch yourself, you pamper your body and it gives you a different feeling. You really do not have to wait for a man to touch you before you can be touched; after all, you cream your body daily. So, it can’t kill. Sex experts say when you are doing it just breathe, relax, and touch yourself. See, take some time out to look at yourself naked in the mirror, rub your entire body softly and slowly, especially those delicate areas with some special oil. It is a kind of massage and you will be surprised at the heat this will create.

  1. Watch erotic film

There are countless of them in the market. Flip open your iPad and browse any you want. It won’t lead you to hell, it can only set your mood right, ignite your feelings for your partner and boost your relationship. Only keep your children out of it. You can watch it with him or alone. If you happen to see something that really grosses you out? Just move on. Don’t get hung up on visuals that turn you off. Keep clicking until you find something that lights your fire and gets you in the mood. You are an adult. You don’t have to wait for one idle girl out there to take him away from you. You know how they are wired!

  1. Pamper yourself a bit

Take time out to unwind once or twice in a month. A hot bubble bath with the right essentials inside will not only calm your nerves, it will also work well in heating your sensuous senses up. So, my argument here is that as a woman, you just need at least some regular 20 minutes of “me-time” in your programme. It will help your transition into a sexier frame of mind. Get back massages or even better, a foot massage time after time as a way of pampering yourself. Strangely, you will find out that these little gestures that don’t have any sexual motives behind them are what turn us on the most.

  1. Getting pushed against a wall. We don’t want our men to be so rough with us that they leave bruises and scratch marks, but it’s nice to get tossed around a little bit. After all, it’s sexy to see him take control. It lets you know that he’s so turned on by you that he can’t wait another second to touch you.
  1. Matching underwear. Our men aren’t the only ones who can put us in the mood. Sometimes, we can do the job ourselves. All we have to do is slip into a pair of matching underwear and a little black dress, and our confidence will skyrocket. When you wear matching underwears in beautiful colours, there is a feeling, a cool and sexy feeling that comes with it.
  1. Neck kisses. Try kissing him around his neck, not mouth and you will be setting yourself on fire. Developing the habit of pecking him on the head, on the lips to say goodbye, welcome him are other ways to help even yourself.
  1. Get him the right cologne. Men are visual creatures, but we ladies get turned on by all five senses. That’s why a man with ‘delicious’ smelling cologne will drive us crazy. He won’t even need to do anything except hug you, because as soon as you get a whiff of his scent, his job will be done.
  1. Get him to whisper. It doesn’t really matter what your man whispers in your ear, what is important is that it’s going to turn you on. There’s just something about hearing his voice get all deep and raspy that will make you want to moan.