Take a fresh look at your lifestyle.

Foods that help sexual performance

Whether you agree to this or not, having a healthy and active sex life is just as important as other aspects of your life. I mean just as your career and other pursuits of living that bring money into your purse are very important, your sexual life is equally of value.

As a matter of fact, it is more important than other things though people are usually silent about it. Why did I say this? No man seems to see any reason to continue to live or be happy in life once “the great lion” becomes ineffective. Likewise, no woman desires to stay happily glued to any man who is more or less like a woman of her kind. Forget about all those gibberish boasts of “I am here to mother my children and bla bla bla. It’s all pretext. Once a man’s ‘weapon of war’ goes numb, weak and unable to fight the expected war again, the woman sees him as not fit again to be called her man.

Meanwhile, with all the stress of work, the roads, the physical body is often affected. It most times gets weakened to perform this paramount duty. The bad economy also daily rubs negatively on people’s emotions and psyche so much that having an urge for sex becomes a hard work most times for couples.

In other words, with so much going on every day, it is easy to put our love lives on the back burner, neglecting our partners and even our own needs. This can be detrimental on our relationships and should, therefore, be avoided.

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To put some sizzle back into your sex life, some foods and fruits can help set you in the mood. “There’s a growing body of evidence that some of the vitamins and components in foods can enhance sexual function and sexual experience,” says a sex therapist.


This is essentially good for women, who are gradually attaining old age. Its contents are antioxidants, such as anthocyanins, ellagic acid, and tannins. According to medical experts, antioxidants do wonder in preventing the aging process in our body. Furthermore it helps us to fight many medical conditions, such as heart disease, arthritis, hemorrhages, high blood pressure, bad cholesterol and bronchitis. More relevant is the fact that its juice can enhance sexual stamina.


Despite their slippery and slimy texture, oysters have been said to be the most well-known aphrodisiac. They’re also one of the best sources of libido-boosting zinc. But other types of seafood like oily fish can also act as aphrodisiacs. Oysters are brimming with zinc, a mineral that elevates testosterone while simultaneously boosting growth factor hormone – both of which enhance muscle growth and physical performance (in and out of the bedroom).

Dark chocolate

If you are one of those who detest chocolates or think they are children’s business, here is why you should have a rethink. Chocolates, according to findings, have been discovered to have the capacity to increase both serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain, making us happy and lowering our stress level, meaning they are mood boosters. Another finding also shows that they increase blood flow through the arteries and relaxes blood vessels, sending blood to all the right regions.  So, once in a while, when you feel down physically, chew some chocolates, they are not a bad thing afterall.


Hot peppers increase the metabolism of human’s body and stimulate endorphins, making you sweat, plumping your lips, and speeding up your heart rate. That gets the blood flowing to all the essential areas. The net result can’t be any other thing than a better sex.  Just ensure to wash your hands before commencing ‘work’ and remember, the hotter they are, the better.

Green tea

Most people think the herbal work of a hot cup of green tea is to keep them slim and generally healthy. But I bring to you that good news that the secret to a hotter nightlife starts with a hot cup of green tea. No doubt, green tea is rich in compounds called catechins, which have been shown to blast away belly fat and speed the liver’s capacity for turning fat into energy. But that’s not all: Catechins also boost desire by promoting blood flow to your nether regions.

Ginger root and powder

Ginger is another food that can improve your sex life by aiding blood flow and improving artery health. According to a study, consuming a mere teaspoon of the stuff a few times a week is all you need to reap the heart-healthy benefits.

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds can help boost your mood. They’re one of the best food sources of an amino acid known as tryptophan, which helps the production of serotonin in your brain. Do not just take it in the morning, but before bedtime because getting some sustenance from a real pumpkin might lift your spirits more effectively.


Bananas are one of the top sources of potassium, which helps to counteract the effects of foods high in sodium. Salty foods can not only diminish blood flow to the genitals, which can make it more difficult to reach orgasm, but they can also make you bloated.

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Whether they’re the white or the sweet variety, potatoes are a great source of potassium. This nutrient counteracts salt’s bloating effects and boosts circulation, which can help you look better in bed and also boost your bedroom pleasure. It can also improve your mood.

Oily Fish

It’s no secret that oily coldwater fish like wild salmon, sardines and tuna are overflowing with omega-3 fatty acids, but here’s something you may not know: The nutrient not only benefits your heart but also raises dopamine levels in the brain. This spike in dopamine improves circulation and blood flow, triggering arousal, a sex therapist, Joke Derin explains. But that’s not all, “Dopamine will make you feel more relaxed and connected to your partner, which makes sex more fun,” adds Derin. Just make sure you buy the right kind.

Red wine

If you’re looking for a way to simultaneously boost your libido and calm those pre-date jitters, pour yourself a glass of red. Women who drank one to two glasses had heightened sexual desire compared to ladies who didn’t, reveals a recent study.  (Just be sure to cut yourself off after your second glass; enjoying more than that didn’t stimulate any further arousal, and knocking back too much can stop the show before it starts.) What makes the elixir so beneficial is a rich antioxidant profile that triggers nitric oxide production in the blood, which relaxes artery walls. As with many of the foods on this list, that increases blood flow down south.

Red meat

Crazy -busy work schedule most times causes lack of libido. That is why one of the primary reasons couples stop having sex is because they’re tired fatigued and stressed. But sometimes, there’s a particular reason underneath.

For most women, the reason for their fatigue is iron deficiency. The condition can sap energy, which may result in a low sex drive. Because red meat is full of iron, it’s deemed one of our foods that increase libido. You see why you should not totally avoid red meat?

Garlic, watermelon, strawberries and others that space won’t allow us mention here are ways to go this season to overcome the challenge of not finding it easy to ‘get’ it up at some time by some men and  tackle the common song of not ‘being in the mood’ that is usually on most women’s lips.
