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Current self-defeating trends in Okigwe, Igbo land



By Ugo Agozie

We recently witnessed the total destruction of billions of naira in Federal Government infrastructures in a zone that has little or no other meaningful Federal Government presence. Infrastructure caught up in the mayhem included the new regional JAMB Center, a state-of-the-art auditorium like no other in the area, sophisticated science laboratories and skills acquisition centers all at the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), Nsu Community Study Center.

While this mayhem has been blamed on misinformation, undue incitement and stoking of fire motivated by opponents and people, who had axe to grind, however, many are still shrouded in ignorance, and some simply blinded by hatred, jealousy and envy that they still cannot, up till this moment, see what horrible setback to our community and Igbo nation at large that they have either contributed to out of ignorance for some, but for others out of willful and unrepentant wickedness backed by avarice and jealousy capable of no palliation.

It is clear that we do not all have equal reach and capabilities. However, if I am not in a position to attract development to my people and someone else does, should I be applauding them, or take an oath to pull them down and disparage them at every opportunity I get? This is definitely a dangerous trend as many who mean well for our people would face the same fate if not a more terrible fate. This would also discourage the good-hearted amongst us.

I have repeatedly asked myself if the anticipated “Nirvana” that would come with the quest for Biafra is really feasible under our current thinking. We have truly degenerated to a wicked bunch and I am not only disappointed but equally appalled.

Why are we so afraid to condemn evil? Are we truly oblivious of what happened in this instance or are we blinded by sheer wickedness? I am further disgusted when I hear from certain quarters, who are still holding the belief that these great Okigwe sons were actually planning to introduce Boko Haram terrorists to our community.

The facilities were designed and built with development in mind. They wanted to facilitate as many educational and economic opportunities as possible for the teeming youths of the area. Hence there were unrelenting efforts to attract other programs that would bring further development and training opportunities for the host communities.

Various government parastatals and even private sector businesses, and institutions were invited to come and explore partnerships for development. Isn’t it ironic that it was the same targeted youths who would be incited to destroy something meant to uplift them?

It is clear and obvious that there was never a plan and not even a thought of using the facility to house anyone not to talk of IDPs. Senator Ibezim went a step further to clarify this in his press statements. However, even respected people in our communities, who knew the truth but had an axe to grind, hid under the guise that they were not carried along, to stoke the fire and incite as many as they could till the facilities got burned down.

Mark you, history would judge each and everyone of us who may have in one way or another contributed to this mayhem. Your footprints are all over the Internet. No one would be spared both at home and abroad.

One would ask if we are truly that wicked to ourselves. Do people really need to be carried along at the request for proposal (RFP) stage on any project? What does it really mean to be carried along when you too can come up with a noble idea and pursue it for the benefit of your people?

What exactly is the unforgivable crimes of Hon. Chukwuemeka Nwajiuba (HCN) and Senator Frank Ibezim (SFI)?

I guess they did more for our community in their very short stints than most other politicians with similar opportunities did in eight years or more.

I guess their crime was demystifying the workings of public offices. Now we know one can, in fact, accomplish a lot in the service of his people in a relatively short time if he means well. Then again, should they be hounded and crucified for being the best they could be to their people?

Senator Frank Ibezim was in the Senate for barely two years while Hon. Chukwuemeka Nwajiuba was the Minister of State Education for a little over three years this time. Their strides were giant in every way. They raced against the short times they had to do the best they could for their people. The duo was not short-sighted in any way. Their action plans were strategic and intentional through investment in education, training, agriculture, infrastructural development and human capacity building.

Ibezim’s only crime was that he didn’t share the constituency funds with a few cronies hence they swore to blackmail him. As for Nwajiuba, like Ibezim, he was quite unassuming and not ceremonious in his feats. All that both wanted was to invest in legacy projects that would foster development in the zone.

Neither Ibezim nor Nwajiuba acquired new flamboyant cars nor did they build new mansions. It is equally ironic that they would target in addition to torching the university structures, also torching homes that were built over decades ago by the Ibezims before their son, SFI, even got into politics.

Sen. Ibezim set to help boost the economy shortly after Covid-19 by extended business hours in every major market in Imo North by installing over 600 solar lamps across the zone. He encouraged farmers by installing rice mills in strategic locations of the rice belt, provided seedlings fertilizers and farm tools to farmers of various cash crops. Teachers, artisans and market women were encouraged through various programs geared toward upliftment.

Sen. Ibezim invested heavily in primary healthcare and medical outreaches throughout his short tenure, which was half of a four-year term. He helped facilitate Covid-19 loans for many and facilitated training on how best to utilize the monies for investment to enable them pay back at the end of the loan term. He also facilitated employment opportunities and numerous grants for his constituents in his short time in office.

SFI provided water, transformers and solar lighting to many communities while building town halls and community centers for many. Ibezim also constructed roads and embarked on many monumental projects like erosion control, solar power plant to power agro industries, reconstruction and equipment of schools. He registered and sponsored women’s cooperative societies in the six (6) local government areas. His establishment and operation of constituency offices in each local government of Imo North brought the people closer to government.

It is, in fact, impossible to begin to mention the scores of projects that were undertaken by these noble sons of our time. One keeps wondering why so much hatred for the duo?

However, It is increasingly becoming clearer as we listen to some of the aggrieved parties and all I see is unreasonable expectations.

The callous and wicked narratives I have heard since the big loss of our time to arson, which includes the university complex, the burning of Senator Ibezim’s house, the looting, burning of cars and facilities at his siblings’ houses all for his efforts to help better his people is disheartening.

One thing is certain, if Ibezim meant anything bad for his people when he attempted to bring development to his remote community, he would live to pay for it. However, if he meant well for his people, then the perpetrators of that evil and everyone who participated or contributed to it can never go scot-free unless they openly confess their involvement and ask for forgiveness.

There comes a time when we must tell ourselves the truth. Most of the people fighting these two great sons of Okigwe never contributed to their stardom. These young men broke barriers and fought through the odds to make it to their current political heights through their contacts. We must stop pretending to have done anything to elevate them. Most of you never supported them. I know of people who were more of a burden than assets to their campaign.

We must repent if we want better things to come to us. I am sickened by how terrible we have become as a people. Seriously, we need cleansing.


Dr. Ugo Anozie is a concerned Okigwe native
