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CPM’s Wisemen Convention ends with flourish as Pastor Adeboye, 92-yr-old man enliven classy event

CPM’s Wisemen Convention ends with flourish as Pastor Adeboye, 92-yr-old man enliven classy event


By Anthony Iwuoma




The men’s fellowship of the Christian Pentecostal Mission, CPM, on Sunday rounded off its five-day convention, themed Wisemen Convention 2024.




Pastor Enoch Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, RCCG, on Saturday, May 25, 2024, graced the event with his wife, Folu.



The excited congregation could not contain their joy, as the highly reverted clerics blessed them.






Before then, Rev. Dr. Mercy Ezekiel, the General Overseer of CPM, had introduced the couple, expressing the long, deep relationship that existed between them and the church.




Mommy Folu Adeboye urged the Pentecostal Action Team, PAT, as the CPM Men’s Fellowship is known, to
live true to their name. She also prayed that the God of all grace would settle Mrs. Ezekiel, adding that her labour would not be in vain, as men and women would answer her whenever she pressed the button.





Pastor Adeboye could not hide his excitement, coming to the event and disclosed that he had been praying secretly that the CPM Camp City, which was being formally opened with the convention, would not lie waste.






He decreed expansion in the project and blessings for everyone, adding: “This is beginning of success, joy, victory, and acceleration.”






Citing Romans 10:22, Daddy GO stated that the blessings of God maketh rich, adding: “It is one thing to have blessings and another for it to last. Not all blessings last. However, your blessings will last. You will call one person, 200 will answer you,”  he prayed.






Barr. Ikechukwu Ugwoke, who spoke on Social capital, As a Veritable Tool in Human Development, said capital is not just naira and kobo, noting that there are other non tangible matters that could even be much more than money.






He described social capital as the potential ability to obtain resources to fund your dreams. This involves social networking, which is a positive connection between people.
He identified some elements of social capital as trust, honesty, character, doing what is right, admitting your mistakes, and networking which he said translates to net worth, etc.






Ugwoke warned against bad character, saying: “Bad character is like a flat tyre; it sinks a man. Your network is your net worth. Be good to whoever you come across in life. You don’t know where you’ll meet again,” he advised.





He noted that being anti-social, selfish and betraying associates are capable of destroying one’s social capital, warning people to shun conduct that could make people doubt them.






Meanwhile, Bishop Emmah Isong, on Friday evening had delivered a powerful message that majored on man being made in the image and likeness of God.




Reading from I Corinthians 15:45, he said Jesus was described as the last Adam because he is the final expression of the impression that God originally had in mind at creation, and ultimately finalised in Christ.







The bishop made a very profound explanation of the personality of the man God created.






“In Genesis 1:26, God created man in His image and likeness. Image and likeness are not the same. Your son can look like you but does not behave like you. God made man to be able to be like Him and also behave like Him.







“In Genesis 2:27, God now formed man like an architect draws a house and then gives it to an engineer who builds it. God is a God of purpose and vision; it shall come to pass.






“The first man that came into the world was full, not a baby. In verse 8, the man owned a house; in verse 9, he gave him enough food. So, hunger was not his portion. In verse 10, he owned three swimming pools. In verses 11 & 12, God empowered him with; in verse 15, he had business and a job – he was not idle; your business will not be redundant. Idleness, joblessness is of the devil, I rebuke it; In verses 16 & 17, he had boundaries. If not he would become too indulged and unrestrained. A lot of people get broke and bankrupt because they eat money that tested them. Tithe is a test. Tithe started with Adam, not with Abraham. There was what he should eat and what not to eat. The day you eat the one you’re not supposed to eat, you die. Not necessarily physical death but could be death of business, career, etc.






“In verse 18 God gave the man a wife; in verse 22, man paid bride price with his rib; everything God wants to do for you has a price. In verses 19 & 20, he got educated and gave names to all the animals, which meant that he had intellectual capacity. Learn to improve on your education. After today, God shall introduce you to the world; In verse 25, the Bible said they were both naked but not ashamed. A man is not a talkative; not a gossip. Both were naked and not ashamed because of confidence and trust; they trusted each other.
“A man is not a man until he can be trusted. Don’t inflate the cost of the materials you buy for the church; tell God to send you where you can make your own gain, not in the church. Pray, God help me not to eat what I’m not supposed to. Make me trustworthy.”






The cleric concluded by explaining what it means to have the image and likeness of God.
“What is image?” he asked. “It is what you get when you receive Jesus. However, some people just receive Jesus, become born again but they lack character. Likeness is when you live like Christ. You become the likeness of God when you become Christlike, just as the early apostles were that made people call them Christians at Antioch.”





Bishop spoke on the man among men on Saturday.




He read from John 4 and noted that the woman that Jesus met at the well described Him as different from all men.





He posited that whenever God Wants to save someone, they usually come up with excuses as was the case with the woman. She brought excuses of economy (pot); gender inequality; tribe; religion or denomination, etc.
Regardless of man’s excuses, the bishop stated that God always overlooks those things excuses and still saves the person.

Bishop Isong drew inspiration from Genesis 2:16 & 17 and spoke on “The untouchable blessings” on Sunday, the final day of the conference.

He dwelt on the controversial church doctrine of tithing.

According to him, the scripture under reference “is the regular text for tithing. It is the bedrock of the concept of doctrine of tithe.

“Tithing was never a law but a practice that evolved into a law. Most laws in the Bible were responses to the idiosyncrasies of man. God gave Adam everything to enjoy and every paraphernalia of life but told him to enjoy everything but one. Because the day he eats the untouchable one, he’ll begin to die. That one was tithe. Tithing and offering is one place that God is testing the faithfulness and loyalty of man.

“In Genesis 3:6, Adam and Eve ate the untouchable and died spiritually, In Acts 5, Ananias and Saphira withheld from God and died; In 2 kings 5:27, Gehazi ate the untouchable and became a leper; in Joshua 7, Achan died because he took the untouchable; in Acts 12, Herod took the glory that belonged to God and died.”

Bishop Isong added: “”Tithe is a thanksgiving; tithe is a way of remembering God who gave you the wealth; If you don’t have money, you won’t pay tithe. You don’t pay tithe for what you don’t have; tithe is giving God His own portion (Malachi 1:6). He deserves honour; tithe is a way to open access to more resources (Proverbs 3:10); tithe is a generational covenant (Hebrew 7:10). Anytime you bring tithe to the house God, He does not only record it for you but also for your generation. Every tithe you pay lasts for 600 years.”




Major highlights of the convention included the presence of a 92-year-old man, Br. Ekwedike, who traveled all the way from Cross River State for the conference.




Elated church members practically mobbed the nonagenarian, who blessed and prayed for all to live long. The members gladly contributed money as support to him.





Members of the church and guests from far and wide reveled in the quality programmes presented
during the convention, which was rounded off with flourish and an exciting Holy Ghost-filled service, and recognition and leadership performance awards.





Also, the anniversary cake was cut by the General Overseer, Rev. Mrs. Ezekiel with the support of Bishop Isong and witnessed by the various branch chairmen of PAT.





Also, chairman of the CoC, Elder Paul Ngbawa and some elders of the church took time to explain the full concept of the CPM Camp City. When completed, the camp would not only be open for spiritual retreat and conventions, it would provide residential quarters, business and commercial areas, sports facilities, training resorts and maintenance workshops, etc.





On a final note, Mrs. Ezekiel gave special thanks to God for providing the enablement to open the camp, even during the current parlous economic situation in the country.





She decreed that the camp is open and must remain open, and would host men and women from far and wide.






Using Deuteronomy 1:10-11, she  blessed the congregation and anointed them. She made  emphatic prophetic declarations that they would become points of blessing, joy and glory in all spheres of life, unlimited and beyond harm, etc. She sent them home to step out with testimonies and victories over their enemies.