Razaq Bamidele
An International Rights Organisation, The Amilcar Cabral Ideological School Movement (ACIS-M), has pledged its support for the call by the International Committee for Peace, Justice and Dignity on Nobel Prize to go to the Cuban Henry Reeve Medical Brigade.
The International Committee for Peace, Justice and Dignity has recently called on the friends of Cuba and men and women of good will to support the nomination of the medical specialist because of his contribution to humanity in the face of COVID-19.
“Henry Reeve International Medical Brigade Specialized in Disaster Situations and Serious Epidemics,” and so deserves the Nobel Peace Prize for its significant contribution to humanity in the face of the pandemic caused by the Coronavirus,” the International Committee for Peace, Justice and Dignity declared.
More than 1,500 Cuban health professionals, doctors, specialists and nurses, were requested by 23 countries in Europe, Africa, the United Arab Emirates, Latin America and the Caribbean to help them in this global crisis and are now working in those countries.
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Other requests for cooperation are underway, constituting the only international medical contingent to provide a scientific and humanitarian response to the pandemic on a global scale.
“The medical cooperation that took place in Pakistan and Haiti after the devastating earthquakes, and the extraordinary success in the face of major epidemics such as Ebola in Africa demonstrates their great medical-scientific training, the capacity and experience to save lives in situations of natural disasters and serious epidemics, and underscores their great values of altruism, solidarity and humanism.
” ‘The Henry Reeve Brigade has also spread a message of hope throughout the world. Its 7,400 volunteer health professionals have treated more than 3.5 million people in 21 countries in the face of the worst disasters and epidemics of the last decade,’ said the World Health Organisation when it presented the Dr Lee Jong-wook Public Health Award at a ceremony for them in Geneva in May 2017 during the 70th World Health Assembly,” the statement further revealed.
The initiative to nominate the Henry Reeve Brigade for the Nobel Peace Prize, that has appeared in social networks since March, has taken shape in groups of friendship and solidarity with Cuba such as the Association Cuba Linda, the Association France-Cuba and Cuba Cooperation of France; the Circle of Granma in Italy; the page created in the social network Facebook, on behalf of the Greek solidarity groups by the outstanding friend of Cuba Velisarios Kossivakis, under the name “Nobel Price for the Doctors of Cuba.”
This, has more than 13 thousand endorsers in Greece and tens of thousands of messages and interactions; the International Committee for Peace, Justice and Dignity of Brazil, Cubanismo of Belgium, the Movement of Solidarity and Mutual Friendship Venezuela-Cuba, Australia-Cuba Friendship Society, ACFS WA branch, the Association of Latin American Arab Solidarity José Martí of Lebanon and Madres Sabias of Spain.
The above groups, were joined by other solidarity groups in the US, such as the Network in Defense of Humanity – US Chapter, the National Network on Cuba (NNOC), IFCO/ Pastors for Peace, Code Pink and the US Chapter of the International Committee for Peace, Justice and Dignity.
“We ask you to strengthen the bonds between all of us to work in unity of action and achieve the nomination of the Cuban International Medical Brigade “Henry Reeve” for the Nobel Peace Prize.”
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While the US doubles the blockade, it prevents Cuba in the midst of a pandemic from even acquiring the health supplies to face it and puts pressure on other countries by launching a campaign of lies and slander against Cuban doctors.
The rhetoric of hatred, expressed by US President Donald Trump, Mike Pompeo and servile OAS Secretary Luis Almagro, seems to have no end. Recently an additional two million dollars has been allocated to the USAID to attack Cuban medical collaboration.
“Instead of wasting money on aggressions against international cooperation and the health of the people, the U.S. government should focus on preventing the illness and death of its citizens in the face of COVID-19,
“In August 2019, to serve this same purpose, USAID, which provides resources to subversive programs against the Cuban government, allocated three million dollars. In less than a year, they have directed at least $5 million; taken from the pockets of American taxpayers to destabilize a program that’s only purpose is to provide health to those who need it most, during this current pandemic, especially the countries of the Third World.
“The small and besieged Cuba continues its heroic resistance, leaving no one behind, preserving its social conquests, its sovereignty and independence. Faithful to its principles of internationalism and cooperation, as recently expressed before the NAM summit by Cuban President Miguel Díaz Canel.
“Cuba and its doctors are giving the greatest example of giving solidarity and love to the world,’ against the all odds, with the slogan, ‘Nobel Peace Prize to the Henry Reeve Brigade,’ and #CubaSavesLives,” Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez was quoted as saying on Twitter.