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CONVID-19: Iran mocks Trump, says virus renders America defenseless

By Ademola Adeshina 

Iranian Leader, Hassan Rouhani, has mocked the United States over the dreaded Coronaviru pandemic that is ravaging the world.Rouhani in his statement on the occasion of the Iranian New Year (Nowruz) on 20 March, makes mockery of the Donald Trump led USA.
According to him,“Historically, the Government of the United States, regrettably, once chose to assist what is worse than a virus, the regime of Saddam Hussein, at a time when the Iranian people were attacked, and Iranian (even Iraqi) women, men and children were not spared by that butcher. Although with the passage of time the U.S. Government noted its errors, it drew no lesson from them. As Daesh (ISIS), the terrorist group, wreaked havoc in the Middle East through its criminal deeds and extremist dogmas, the current U.S. Government handed this terrorist group a victory by assassinating the man who most effectively brought about its destruction.

READ ALSO:https://www.thexpressng.com/2020/03/22/covid-19-only-hardened-crime-suspectsll-be-detained-after-screening-police/

“Today, the Iranian people are harmed by both the deadly coronavirus and the callous U.S. government policy of economic terrorism inflicted on them. Yet, even under the circumstances of the pandemic, the U.S. government has failed to abandon its malicious policy of maximum pressure; and is thus in practice aiding the spread of this virus with its sanctions.”Speaking further, the Iranian leader went philosophical about the fact that the pandemic, in a way, is an anemy troop that all nations, notwithstanding their relationship with one another, must unite to fight.
His words,”The international defense that we have to mount will not be successful without camaraderie on the part of the whole of humankind. Today, instead of soldiers belonging to different armies, human soldiers, donning similar unicolor uniforms belonging to no particular country, are selflessly and altruistically at war against the enemy of humans across the globe. In this common fight, we all belong to one front. 
“We all seek to prevail over our common enemy: a deadly virus. With this enemy, in contrast to other issues, we have no difference of views, and we do not diverge on its nature, its definition and its destructive consequences for the whole of humanity.”
