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Blowing nose without handkerchief now attracts 12 months jail term

Residents of Nairobi, in Kenya, risk up to 12 months jail term if they are caught blowing their noses without handkerchief or tissue in public, or spitting on the streets, according to a newly passed bill.

The new rules and regulations introduced by the Nairobi County government and signed by Nairobi’s Deputy Governor, Ann Kananu, are aimed at keeping the city clean and hygienic.

According to the new law contained in the Nairobi City County Public Nuisance Bill 2021, the new regulations also prohibits one from urinating in undesignated spaces, sleeping in kitchens or food stores, among others.

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It also outlaws discharge of dirty water, sewer, or effluent into streets or water channels, the release of oils into roads or water channels, and obstruction of roads or streets.

Acting Governor of Nairobi, Anne Kananu, urged residents to familiarise themselves with the new law to avoid being caught off guard.

“Nairobi is the face of Kenya. We all need a clean and hygienic environment to live and work in.

“This is part of what we promised our great people of Nairobi. We must work round the clock to achieve this. A healthy environment is paramount to all of us,” said Kananu.

The law also bans residents from allowing trees and hedges in their homes or places of work to obstruct streets or footpaths.

The new regulation further prohibits riding motorcycles or driving on footpaths, playing loud music, and smoking in undesignated places.

Anyone found flouting the new law will be liable to a fine of anything between Sh10,000 ($100) and Sh500,000, ($5000) or imprisonment of six to 12 months depending on the offence committed.
