Why you need oral s*x

As far as many men, particularly are concerned, oral s*x is simply a waste of time. “Why on earth should I bother myself about that for crying out loud? I mean, we are both adults, we have been into this and through this if you like, so many times. So what exactly are we both doing putting ourselves to this stress?’ one of such friends had asked me over the subject.

Another one, a religious type was quick to let me know that any oral s*x that has anything to do with the use of the tongue on a woman’s inner region is against the will of God.

To say that I was stunned by these reactions was to be underrating my feeling. Are we saying that fun should be limited? Is anything wrong with exploring fun and giving your partner the best of such?

Well, I am very entitled to my opinion and so does everyone else. But what I want to stress here is that oral sex, in which ever way it comes, is good not just for the psyche but for the health of the entire human system.

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According to human psychologists, oral s*x is the most powerful stimulant of the body memory and intelligence in re-creating many of our youthful energies and conditions.

Just as the tongue is the most useful organ to a child, as an adult, its significance is major. According to Mrs Rosemary Akindolie, a psychologist, “the importance of the tongue to our health and well-being could not be overstated. The tongue is not only our first sense receptor but is also the last organ to deteriorate after death.”

When speaking of oral s*x, two body fluids are immediately apparent: saliva & semen.

Saliva is a body fluid, not excrement as many believed quite erroneously. It is full of nutrients that benefit the body in numerous ways. In women it can aid digestion, produce weight-loss, heal the skin, restore the teeth and gums, and cleanse the esophagus, to name just a few of the benefits.

The semen on the other hand, though a body fluid is primarily protein. Its warmth draws fresh blood to where it is applied on the body, acting like an astringent in the generation of new skin cells and tissues. The warm semen simultaneously affects the pigments, called melanin, that lie underneath the skin, keeping the skin and hair healthy. They are both anti-aging.  Beyond these however, are other benefits attached to engaging in this type of s*x.

 Nourishes hair, gums, teeth

The activity of oral s*x produces and attracts new blood for nourishing the teeth, gums, hair, facial muscles and tendons.

 Enlarges breasts

Its hormonal effect on the milk glands makes breasts to become bigger.

 Decreases breast cancer and effects of menopause

It is beneficial on the thyroid gland. When the thyroid is stimulated and excessed, women’s chances of contracting breast cancer is decreased. They are also less likely to experience the ill effects of menopause.

 Prevents wrinkles and aging spots

If you do not know, oral s*x exercises all facial muscles, most of which normally never get exercised. The muscles used for sucking are especially beneficial in slimming fatty tissues from the face and removing or preventing wrinkles and aging spots.

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 Make lips look fuller

This may not be important to some people, but it will interest that oral s*x draws more blood into the cheeks, lips and gums, thus making the lips fuller and restoring their natural colour.

Strengthens gums

The gums are strengthened and cleansed through both the sucking actions and the increased amount of saliva.

 Activates deep breathing

Breathing through the nose is strengthened by oral s*x, thus creating deeper breathing. Deep breathing is something we all did as children that we lost as we became older and tenser.

In brief bringing air in through the nose into the abdomen, medical doctors say causes the diaphragmatic muscles to push air into the lungs, which is the natural and more beneficial manner of breathing, rather than inhaling through the mouth and into the lungs, which can cause illness, shortness of breath and loss of balance.

Using your tongue on your partner shouldn’t be any big deal.  It is very beneficial than anyone may think. The rule is partners should ensure to keep very clean. They should also try to smell good and stay attractive such that whoever wants to do the licking will do it expressly. You don’t have to worry as a man because you are free to choose the way you want to go about your own. But if you are reserved to use your tongue on your partner, then, your love, your trust stand to be questioned because it is  not unlikely that your love for that partner of yours is not total.

diaphragmatic muscles
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