U.S-based Nurse, Oyelade, urges govt to take immediate action against rising depression cases


Nigeria is experiencing unprecedented hardship, affecting all citizens. The consequences of political failure are evident, leading to widespread protests, mental health issues.


Ultimately, depression has started creeping in, the number of suicide is expected to surge if the people see no light to this end in practical terms. This calls for urgent turnaround for the betterment of the people.


Joyce Oyelade, a U.S-based Registered Nurse with over 35 years working experience in an interview said, positive thinking, being careful of what you wish for as well as one’s ability to guide his/her thought processes are panacea to a stable mental health.

Oyelade, who is a life coach and author, spoke about depression and escape routes, advised people not to aggravate the pains of others amidst this current economic deprivation. She said that people must be careful to guide their thought as depression is far beyond what we see, physically.

Oyelade pointed out that hunger and poverty rank among starting points of depression such that, if not addressed at that time, it can lead to depression and death, stressing that no country progresses when the people are depressed.

You have been in forefront of helping people overcome the challenges of depression. Why did you choose this path?

I have spent years studying and researching on why people just take their life. Others just die out of challenges of life, when those ugly conditions would have been managed. So having gathered knowledge and coupled with my profession and personal experiences, I was moved to offer help in diverse ways to people in state of depression as well as to people who are not yet at that level.

For instance, hunger and poverty rank among other starting points of depression such that, if not addressed at that time, it can lead to another stage and continues until it gets to a state of depression. So, people at different times have issues that need to be addressed. We must offer solutions in tangible and intangible forms (depending on the specific needs so as to advert depression and death. That is what we are advocating for.

With the resources God has given us, we must be kind enough to use them to help humanity, because we know that there is nothing a man/woman has that was not given to him/ her. Remember, the greatest investment is impacting on humanity. There are persons today who cannot finish the wealth God gave them, but they don’t extend hands of fellowship to the indigents. And of what need is it, if we don’t improve the life of people here on earth? We all know that we can’t take material blessings to heaven or hell. We must remember too, that the state of people’s health and records of incessant deaths in the country affect the overall economy. This is a reminder to the government. No country progresses, when the people are depressed.

What inspired your book ‘Gross Darkness: Winning, The Battle Against Depression”?

If you are altruistic, you will do anything to help people out of poverty. You can start little by offering help like food, material gifts, empowerment/ jobs, and any other help that would minimize or erase the possibility of depression and take away thought of suicide from people.

Most often, we think depression is as a result of hardship and other forms of economic deprivation, but it’s beyond that. Depression can emerge from a multitude of factors, with one such cause being the experience of death or a loss of a valuable. As a personal testament, I found myself spiraling into a deep state of depression when I tragically lost my beloved father. Throughout this harrowing journey, I encountered and traversed through all the stages of grief and mourning, grappling with immense sorrow and despair. The weight of my father’s death was so profound that it manifested itself physically. My appetite dwindled and my body struggled to adapt to the painful reality that I would never have the privilege of seeing my father’s face or hearing his voice again.

Among the various causes of depression is caused by disconnection from your creator and absence of sense of purpose in life. It is a battle that takes place in the spiritual realm. When one struggles to communicate with God or see reasons for being alive, they feel dejected and depression can set it. (For those who knows the importance) of living a purpose- driven life. When people feel they are being abandoned and forsaken by God, when people see no essence of being alive, or having confusion about their purpose in life, and other issues that have nothing to do with physical wellbeing, it can lead to depression. This kind of depression can be very devastating because if it results in suicide, people won’t understand the reason because the person in question maybe financially and materially stable. Yet, people would wonder what may have gone wrong. In a time like this, we should be mindful of one another. We should not be selfish. What affects one should affect everyone. The level of hopelessness in the country is alarming, but we are duty bound to spread love, and help the weak ones amongst us. Remember, he that giveth to the poor, lends to his or her marker. But most importantly, if you can’t help the poor, don’t add to their sorrows.

How can one avert depression or suicide?


May God help you to find Godly people around.. Seeing positive- minded people who can fill you with the physical and spiritual therapy and material aids like foods is a testimony. Look for good books, good music and be filled with joy. Attend educational, pro- life, pro-destiny and spirit- lifting programs. Control your thoughts. Be contented with what you have and keep a positive mindset.


Going back to our roots and source – God for direction, and other solutions to desire is the only way forward, and don’t forget to enmesh yourself in the written words of God and be prayerful as you follow your spiritual leaders. So, to avoid depression in this season, we must turn to God. I also encourage anyone who has more, to help those in need. Put a smile on someone’s face. It goes a long way.

You just returned from America to feed indigents people in Ifo- Ogun state. What informed this act of kindness?

I’ am a minister of the gospel of Christ. Jesus tells us to give and help the poor in the society. Aside this commandment, common sense should tell everyone with financial and material substances to help the needy around you. Unless such fellow is doesn’t know God. We fed over 300 people including Christians and Muslims, even those with religion neutrality. It’s a yearly program which includes empowerment of ministers of the gospel. You can’t be hungry while preaching to the people. But most critically, Nigerians are passing through hell at the moment. It is obvious even to the unborn that economy is very bad. Many people have regretted being Nigerians. So, let’s help one another at this painful time. And if we don’t do, God won’t take it light with those who have but chose to close their palms.

As a nurse with over 35 years of experience in the United States, what is your observations & difference between nursing profession in Nigeria & the United States.

The difference is conspicuously seen in kind of training and education offered by the institutions. Scope of practice, available opportunities, and the overall perception and recognition of the nursing profession also makes the difference.

In the United States, there is a greater demand for nurses due to the larger population and more complex healthcare system. This leads to a wider range of job opportunities in various healthcare settings, such as hospitals, clinics, and research institutions. In contrast, Nigeria faces a shortage of nurses, resulting in a higher nurse-to-patient ratio and limited employment options. This scarcity of nursing professionals can place a heavier workload and increased responsibility on individual nurses in Nigeria.

Practicing Nursing in U.S, is interesting because you have every state- of -the -art equipment, facilities and other resources you need to work with. The motivation is there, the encouragement and reward is there, plus insurance. Not because Nigeria nurses are indolent, but because they have a functional system in place that prioritizes healthcare delivery for their citizens unlike what we have here.

Understanding these distinctions is essential for aspiring nurses and healthcare professionals to navigate the unique challenges and opportunities present in each country’s healthcare system. Furthermore, the perception and recognition of the nursing profession also differ between the two countries.

In the United States, nursing is widely regarded as a prestigious and respected profession, with nurses often being seen as crucial members of the healthcare team. This recognition is reflected in the competitive salaries and benefits offered to nurses, as well as the numerous opportunities for professional development and advancement. In Nigeria, while nursing is still highly valued, there may be a lesser degree of recognition and appreciation for the contributions nurses make to patient care. This can result in lower salaries, limited career advancement opportunities, and a potential lack of resources and support for professional growth. A notable difference lies in the educational pathways for aspiring nurses. In all, our nurses are hardworking. Remember, to practice as a Nigerian trained nurse in the US, you must have graduated from an accredited school and will have to pass the NCLEX (National council Licensing Examination for Registered Nurses.

As a certified Healthcare Administrator, how would you revamp the epileptic healthcare system in Nigeria, if given the opportunity?


If I were appointed to revamp the Healthcare system in Nigeria, I would implement a comprehensive overhaul of the epileptic healthcare system.

This would involve a multi-faceted approach that addresses various issues plaguing the current system, such as lack of access to quality care, limited resources, inadequate training for healthcare professionals, and insufficient public awareness about the danger of downgraded healthcare system. One of the first steps I would take is to increase funding for chronic diseases treatment and research. This would allow for the expansion of healthcare facilities equipped to diagnose and treat such diseases like Epilepsy, leprosy, Tuberculosis, organ infections, and other chronic diseases as well as the procurement of necessary medications and equipment. Additionally, I would work to improve accessibility to these facilities, especially in rural areas where healthcare services are often scarce. Furthermore, I would prioritize training programs for healthcare professionals to ensure they are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively manage such deadly diseases and compete favorably.

This would involve providing ongoing education and resources to healthcare workers, as well as implementing standardized protocols for diagnosing and treating chronic ailments. Overall, my goal to revamp the healthcare system would be to ensure that we reverse the ugly trend of Japa, by making this noble profession attractive. Because it’s a shame that we’re contributing to the economy of foreign countries while our home facilities are in a sorry state.

By addressing funding, accessibility, education, and awareness, I believe we can make significant strides in improving the quality of care for those affected by this condition. We shall ensure that the right persons are in the right positions if we must deliver on mandate. Moreso, primary health education must be a compulsory subject for every student till post primary school level. We shall work hand in gloves with NAFDAC, SON, and other regulatory agencies to halt substandard products in the medical profession. This is imperative because trust and confidence deficit in Nigeria’s healthcare system was as a result of plethora of bogus drugs and other hospital products and services. Regular health enlightenment shall be our top priority as well. In no distance time, we shall not only halt capital flight, but attract medical tourists.

Can you tell us about your Home Health care business and its impact to humanity?

I started the Home Healthcare Business two years ago because I wanted a company that can provide exceptional care to patients in the comfort of their homes. Due to shortage of staff hospitals and nursing facilities are not able to provide adequate care for their patients. So we want to deliver the best healthcare services to the people at their very respective residents especially the aged among us.

What’s your message to depressed people in the country?

I want to offer words of encouragement to those who may be struggling with feelings of depression or hopelessness right now, urging them to stay strong and not lose hope. Remember that brighter days are ahead and that there is always support available to help you through tough times. Keep pushing forward and know that you are not alone in your struggles. You have the strength within you to overcome this and come out stronger on the other side.

Joyce Oyeladerising depression
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