Happy 78th birthday to our father, a legend, IBB a man of reason, wisdom, experience and leadership. With immense gratitude to Almighty God, I join millions of family members, friends, admirers, well-wishers etc across the globe to wish our selfless former President, General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida (GCFR) a beautiful happy birthday as he clocks 78 years.

Sir, let me respectfully wish you a joyful celebration.

Clearly, IBB led Nigeria with humility and industry between December, 1984 to August 1993. Owing to his vision, foresight and craftsmanship in leadership, Nigeria was united, peaceful, orderly and prosperous under IBB’s Presidency. There is no contention!

As it stands now, today and this very moment, Governors, Senators, Reps, Members, Party stalwarts across party lines, Groups, Individuals etc. streams to the patriot, IBB’s abode-at home or abroad-to seek advice about how to solve political, social, security and economic problems facing us as a nation. IBB is indeed a leader with values and character.

Only some weeks ago the House of Representatives Minority caucus led by Ndudi Elumelu visited IBB at his home in Minna, Niger State in order for the former to indulge themselves with the liberty of IBB’s wise suggestions and ideas so as for them to succeed in moving Nigeria forward. Sir, our enduring gratitude! Such visits are more apt as violence, terror and strife are open challenges facing Nigerians today. Indeed, in IBB, I can see that some people are born leaders-simple, smart, charismatic and philanthropic.

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“Maigida” as he is referred to in many quarters, IBB is a personality that captures many hearts. He is a man of great accomplishments. This great Nigerian General understands humanity very well. This high level of understanding, tolerance and kindness has made him to earn and keep friends among all the strata of our society-youth, students, workers, emirs/chiefs, business class, workers, politicians and so on and so forth.

An exemplary father, grandfather, husband and mentor, President Babangida as he then was developed a strategy of consultations with the academia, clergy, professionals, diplomats and major stakeholders before taking decisions on many policies, programmes and actions of his government. A president with a difference one many say.

What is most striking is IBB’s understanding of the complexity, difficulty and uniqueness of running the affairs of state in Nigeria. That is why it is difficult to point a finger at him for openly and inappropriately condemning or attacking any government. Very difficult. But does that mean he does not give his opinion no matter how dissenting from the one of the government in power? No! Quite the opposite. Just that he does it based on person to person and friendly too.

Recall that at several instances, IBB called on Nigerians to fully support and cooperate with the administrations that came after he left office including the present government of President Muhammadu Buhari in all matters because if we get it right, it is to our collective good he believes. This is the hallmark of true leader; a great statesman.

Nations flourish when God endows them with men that are uncommon. Men with striking qualities; men with huge appetite to grow and develop their countrymen, men who respect diversity, men who cherish unity, men with a great passion to lift their country men and women to where they ought to be. Thankfully one of such men is a Nigerian, a Pan-African and a global citizen. That man is IBB, a man of many parts.

Finally, I pray God to endow him more with many more happy years, good health and wisdom. Happy Birthday Sir, IBB.


Mall. Salman Yusuf

Almighty GodGeneral Ibrahim Badamasi BabangidaHouse of RepresentativesMinority caucusPresident Muhammadu Buhari
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