Safety Travels launches application platform

Safety Travels Ltd has launched a website and mobile app platform for interactive personalised services.

The online App integrated with various providers including Amadeues & Thomalex  supplies access to over 600 airlines across the globe.

The Safety Travels website is secured with https certificate built with latest modern technologies and hosted on Amazon Servers aimed at giving customers the best secure experience plus maximum satisfaction.


According to the Managing Director, Mrs. Uchenna Lydia Nwogu, the innovative platforms give the discerning passenger opportunity to book flights from the comfort of the home or office, and at best value prices.

Expanding, the General Manager, Evuetaphan Agofure Joseph, said the payment platform is powered by paystack for the easiest and secure payments in any currency, including Naira at the best CBN approved rates.

The mobile App platform, which can be downloaded from the Google Play Store or from  App Store, also provides the customer the chance to not only book flights but also secure best rate hotel accommodation.

Evuetaphan Agofure JosephMrs. Uchenna Lydia NwoguSafety Travels Ltd
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