Pan-Yoruba group sets agenda for President-elect, Tinubu, rejects calls for EFCC sack

Razaq Bamidele

The President-elect, Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu has been asked to focus on the fight against corruption being one of the greatest challenges facing Nigeria. Corruption is evil that must be fought with strong institutions without interference by politically exposed persons, the Pan Yoruba coalition said.

At a press conference on Monday, the Oodua Nationalist Coalition {ONAC}  a coalition of 25 Pan Yoruba groups also rejected the call for the sack of the Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Abdulrasheed Bawa, saying that removing the EFCC boss at this time will weaken the organization and fuel political interference in the affairs of the anti-corruption agency. The conference was attended by some one hundred delegates representing different Pan-Yoruba groups.

ONAC in the briefing read by ONAC Officials, Mr. Popoola Ajayi and Mr. Babatunde Adeleke said Corruption remains one of the major problems at the root of Nigerian problems. We are here to raise our voices with one theme: Nigerians Must Compel The President Elect, Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu and other Newly Elected State Governors, National and State Lawmakers to fight corruption decisively if not, Nigeria risks going into pieces.


It cautioned against interfering in the anti-corruption agencies saying such would portray the incoming administration as supporting and aiding graft.

Nigeria needs strong institutions. We must never allow the EFCC to be subjected to political influences, the coalition said. ONAC said it regretted that politicians have infact been insisting that the EFCC Chairman be removed.

If the incoming administration is committed to fighting corruption, it will be suspicious if it falls into the hands of EFCC detractors. While we recognize the shortcomings of the EFCC, we are also conscious of the historic intervention of the anti-graft agency in promoting transparency and accountability in Nigeria.

The group said it is on this basis that the coalition joins the growing national call to safe the EFCC from political interference.

We are currently working with other organizations across the country, especially ethnic  groups in the Niger-Delta, Middle Belt, North West and North East to mobilize against any attempt to impose a rookie on the EFCC for political reasons. The ethnic groups represent the culture, values and heritage of Nigerians.

We are in the best position to resist this attempt to remove the EFCC Chairman for political reasons

ONAC said it rejects entirely the call for the resignation or sack of the EFCC Chairman, Abdulrasheed Bawa. We posit that this is diversionary.


The removal of the head of such a strategic organization cannot be in the interest of Nigerians at this moment. We on the other hand call on politically exposed persons to stop the attacks on the EFCC.

Bawa should be allowed to complete the on-going investigations against some important political figures including those in the ruling party, APC who are desperate to ensure the removal of the EFCC Chairman hiding under the illogical proposition that he has failed to obey Court Orders.

In law, if the EFCC Chairman fails to obey court order, the aggrieved should file contempt proceedings. Jumping to the rash conclusion that he should be removed is unreasonable, self serving and unproductive.

Considering the circumstances that the President Elect, Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu, emerged in the February 25 poll, the vicious campaigns against him especially with references to corruption, we call on him to realize that all eyes are on him.

ONAC said corruption remains one of the most important agenda that must be fought by Nigerians. Corruption fuels poverty, deprivation, hunger and social disequilibrium. Corruption breeds misery, stirs crisis and may instigate war. Corruption is responsible for terrorism and extremism by thousands of youths who are disillusioned, poorly educated and desperate to survive by all means possible. Why we are concerned about the National Elections, It should be of importance to us what those elected have put together to achieve with public resources that law has empowered them to manage.

Tampering with the leadership of the EFCC will send very wrong signal to local and international communities. We also call on the newly elected President, State Governors and lawmakers to allow the EFCC to do its work without political interference.

The Pan-Yoruba groups are as concerned as any meaningful organization or group in the fight against corruption.


Our numerous members want a country where justice, peace and prosperity will reign.

We want respect for institutions. We don’t want weak institutions managed by strong men. We want strong institutions which are better than strong political figures in power. We call on all Nigerians to join in the campaign for the independence of the EFCC and non interference by politically exposed persons. This is the right pathway to the greatness of democracy and the renaissance we all seek in our lifetime.

ONAC insists that Nigerians must unite around the need to free the people from corruption pandemic.

Having contested elections, some have lost, some have won, the agenda setting must begin as the May 29 handover date draws closer. Nigerians irrespective of their political standing must TVunite behind the common goal of bringing corruption on her kneel.

Abdulrasheed BawaAsiwaju Ahmed Bola TinubuEconomic and Financial Crimes CommissionMr. Babatunde AdelekeMr. Popoola Ajayi
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