NSEASI Sheds -0.43%; records -1.28% losses WoW

As at Friday 04-01-19

Equities market closed the week on a negative note, as NSEASI depreciated by -0.43% to close at 30,638.90 basis points as against -0.96% depreciation recorded previously. Its Year-to-Date (YTD) returns currently stands at -2.52%.

Market breadth closed negative as UPL led 11 Gainers as against 29 Losers topped by DIAMONDBNK at the end of today’s session- an unimproved performance when compared with previous outlook.

Market Turnover

Market turnover closes positive as volume moved up by +97.60% as against -21.09% downtick recorded in the previous session. AIICO, DIAMONDBNK and ZENITH BANK were the most active to boost market turnover. ZENITH BANK and ACCESS topped market value list.

BERGER leads the list of active stocks that recorded impressive volume spike at the end of today’s session.

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Stock market report as at

January 4, 2019

Equities market closed the week on a negative note, as NSEASI depreciated by -0.43% to close at 30,638.90 basis points as against -0.96% depreciation recorded previously. Its Year-to-Date (YTD) returns currently stands at -2.52%.

Market breadth closed negative as UPL led 11 Gainers as against 29 Losers topped by DIAMONDBNK at the end of today’s session- an unimproved performance when compared with previous outlook.

Market Turnover

Market turnover closes positive as volume moved up by +97.60% as against -21.09% downtick recorded in the previous session. AIICO, DIAMONDBNK and ZENITHBANK were the most active to boost market turnover. ZENITHBANK and ACCESS topped market value list.

BERGER leads the list of active stocks that recorded impressive volume spike at the end of today’s session.

depreciation recordedEquities marketYear-to-Date
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