Non-existent mosque, Ibrahim Shekarau and the promotion of malicious falsehood

By Simeon Nwakaudu

One of the worst challenges that Nigeria faces today is the failure of elders to act their age and serve as role models to the younger generation. This is worsened by the propensity of some persons considered elders to sponsor falsehood, illegality and disrespect for the rule of law, simply because they want to score cheap political points.

One of such persons is the former Kano State governor, Mallam Ibrahim Shekarau. Very late on Thursday night, August 29, 2019, Mallam Shekarau through his Facebook page, posted a nocturnal press release, insulting Rivers State Governor, His Excellency, Nyesom Ezenwo Wike, and making statements that were premised on total falsehood.

Though the former Kano State governor wrote several paragraphs, his thoughts were captured in the first paragraph. It spelt clearly the ugly campaign that some misguided APC leaders are sponsoring against Governor Wike over the last few days.

This is what Shekarau penned down: “All rationale and conscious citizens of this great country, Nigeria, should join in condemning the Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Wike, for recklessly demolishing the Rainbow Town Central Mosque located at the Trans-Amadi area of Port Harcourt, and for irresponsibly declaring Rivers State a “Christian State,” and claiming to owe no apology to anyone.”

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The above paragraph sums up the reason these APC politicians used one Alhaji Tobacco to sponsor falsehood against the Government and people of Rivers State.  They plotted to use falsehood to attack the person of the Rivers State Governor because he declared that Rivers is a Christian State.

Men of low integrity and little respect for the rule of law like Ibrahim Shekarau are obviously the chief sponsors of this irresponsible propaganda and falsehood.

For the avoidance of doubt, Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Ezenwo Wike did not demolish any mosque anywhere in Rivers State.  The Rivers State government did not demolish any mosque anywhere in Rivers State.

When the news was published by agents of the APC in two national newspapers, Governor Wike personally led journalists to the location at Biambo Street, off School Road, by Mami Market Junction, Rainbow Town. There was no mosque there. There was no building of any kind at that location.

Governor Wike, who went there in company with the Permanent Secretary, Rivers State Ministry of Urban Development and Physical Planning, addressed journalists and laid to rest the falsehood.

Governor Wike described as unfortunate the false information being circulated that the state government demolished a mosque in Port Harcourt, saying that the false report was planted by mischief makers to create disaffection. Governor Wike said there was no mosque on ground, hence nothing was demolished.

He said: “I received calls from several prominent Nigerians on the fake news being circulated online.  I have come here with reporters and you can see there was no mosque here.

“It is most unfortunate that fickle minded persons will claim that a mosque was demolished at this place, when no mosque existed here. The story was concocted by mischief makers to score cheap points.”

Governor Wike explained that some persons started erecting illegal foundation at the disputed land, even though they had no approval to embark on any construction work.

“They came here to erect illegal structure. There was no approval from the state government for any structure to be erected here.

“The persons, who started the foundation, had already dragged the state government to court on the disputed land. The Rivers State government won the case. What they attempted to do was to start the illegal construction to tie the hands of the state government,” he explained.

Governor Wike further stated that several mosques constructed on the approval of the state government exist across Port Harcourt and other major towns of Rivers State, without the state government demolishing them.

“The government gave them notice not to do anything on the land. But they went ahead with the illegal development and the relevant agency stopped them.

“Why would we want to bring down any mosque, when there are other mosques across the state? What is the special interest on this one?”

Well-meaning Nigerians already know the facts of the said disputed land. This matter pre-dated the Wike administration. In 2012, the same group attempted  to erect a structure without approval and the then Amaechi administration stopped them. They approached the Rivers State High Court for adjudication. They lost at the court.

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The  judgment

Ruling in Suit Number PHC/986/2012 between Registered Trustees of Trans-Amadi Mosque, Port Harcourt (Claimant) and the Commissioner, Ministry of Urban Development and Physical Planning, Rivers State, the Governor of Rivers State and the Attorney General of Rivers State (Defendants), Justice G.O. Omereji on Tuesday, 27th of November, 2018 said:

“It is very clear that from the above authorities, the effect of Exhibit K, the Certificate of Title in the instant case, the defendants, especially the 2nd and 3rd defendants have valid title to the land in dispute because the acquisition of the land, as in Exhibit K by the government extinguishes every prior existing title over the said land.”

Justice Omereji stated that it was clear that the claimant’s plan, AI/RV/2009/013, was charged on both the Ortho-Photo map and Greater Port Harcourt Acquisition of 1959 and that the said land is within the Greater Port Harcourt.

The court declared that Exhibits J1 and J2 clearly showed that the claimant purchased a land from Dr. E.E. Amadi, which was already owned by the state government, following its acquisition by the Eastern Nigerian government in 1959.

Justice Omereji held that: “The defendants have in Exhibits J, J1 and J2 inclusive of Exhibit K, which is the Certificate of Title, established that the land, the subject matter of this suit, was acquired in 1959 by the government.

“My humble opinion is that the claimants have not established that they have better title to the land, the subject matter of this suit and they have not established that at the material time they were in possession and that the defendants do not have better title to the land.”

The judge ruled that the defendants established that they had better title to the disputed land.

“My humble opinion is that the claimants in this case have not established that they have better title to the land in dispute in this case.

“The issue I have considered in this suit is to be resolved in favour of the defendants (Rivers State government) as against the claimants (Registered Trustees of Trans-Amadi Mosque, Port Harcourt),” Justice Omereji ruled.

Shekarau’s unholy attempt to revive dead political career on altar of malicious falsehood

It is rather disheartening that Shekarau whose political career is dead and buried, would want to rise on the altar of injurious falsehood.  He should know better than engage the People’s Governor. The entire press statement is based on total falsehood and, therefore, of no consequence. He may get a few words of praise from misguided persons but the truth remains  that his political career will not go beyond  the rigged seat that the APC manipulated  in his favour.

Shekarau and his co-travellers in the failed APC are uncomfortable that Governor Wike stands for the truth. Before Shekarau defected to the APC to be assisted to his seat, he was one of the politicians, who relied on the political acceptance of Governor Wike to remain afloat.  He was one of those who participated extensively during several meetings facilitated by Governor Wike to revive the PDP. Therefore, Governor Wike’s pro-Rivers stance cannot be dislodged by the blackmail of shifty characters like Shekarau. When PDP returns to the Federal Government, Shekarau is duty bound to defect. He defects for his pocket and not for his people.

Rivers as Christian State

This is the object of attack by Shekarau and all those under his sponsorship. As Governor of Kano State, Ibrahim Shekarau introduced Sharia and officially made the state a Muslim State. This action, according to him, was premised on the fact that over 95 percent of Kano people are Muslims. Former President Olusegun Obasanjo did nothing to stop him.

In 2008, Kano State Government under the leadership of Ibrahim Shekarau demolished  Christ the King Catholic Church.  The Kano State Urban Planning Development Agency (KANUPDA) demolished the church because the church lacked Certificate of Occupancy. Shekarau’s administration said the structure of the church at Na’ibawa in Kumbotso Local Government was removed, after serving them a notice , advising them to prove its legitimacy or remove it within time.

In November 2003, Shekarau swore-in Hisbah, Zakkat, Sharia Commission members to consolidate his declaration that Kano is a Muslim State.  Follow this link to read the report:

The establishments’ members were sworn-in at Sani Abacha Stadium after a bill was passed into law by the state House of Assembly for the creation of the establishments. These were agencies of Kano State that promoted one religion to the detriment of others.

As Governor of Kano State, Shekarau compelled all Christian girls in his state to wear Hijab. Those who refused to wear hijab under the leadership of Shekarau were asked to withdraw and leave Kano State.  Follow this link to read the report:

As Governor of Kano State, Shekarau burnt books believed not to promote the Islamic religion.  This reckless action is contained in this report:

While Shekarau as governor emasculated the practice of Christianity in Kano State, Governor Wike has continued to promote religious tolerance. His declaration that Rivers is a Christian State is a statement of fact. Well over 98 percent of the indigenous population is Christians. Should Governor Wike apologise for stating the obvious? Since assuming leadership in 2015, Governor Wike has continued to promote religious freedom and tolerance. There is religious harmony in Rivers State.

With Governor  Wike, blackmail is ineffective weapon

Mallam Shekarau worked briefly with Governor Wike at the Federal Ministry of Education. More than anyone else, he should know that blackmail, name-calling and falsehood are ineffective tools when dealing with Governor Wike. These tools have been deployed by the APC Federal Government, the Nigeria Police, the Nigerian Army, Wike’s opponents within the PDP and sponsored groups to no avail.  These groups continue to fail because Governor Wike thrives on the truth and the rule of law. Governor Wike does not play to the gallery.

Baseless press release

The press release by Ibrahim Shekarau is completely baseless. It was founded on falsehood, generated by mischief-minded fellows, who are bent on using religion to generate conflict.

No Mosque was demolished.  Therefore, right from the title to the last word, Mallam Shekarau exhibited the kind of intolerance that characterised his tenure as Governor of Kano State.

Nobody expects Shekarau to retrace his steps, because he lacks the courage to admit the truth. If he was a man of courage, he would have respected the truth despite the plot of evil to unleash negative propaganda on Rivers State for ulterior motives.

But the truth remains that no mosque was demolished anywhere in Rivers State.  This fact cannot be disputed by Shekarau or his agent, Alhaji Tobacco. Finally, the land in question belongs to the Rivers State government as confirmed by a High Court of competent jurisdiction.

Finally: The media must stop encouraging charlatans like Shekarau

Aside from the criminal falsehood by Senator Ibrahim Shekarau and his sponsored gang, led by Alhaji Tobacco, is the deliberate falsehood by some media organisations. They continue to use the word “demolition”, when they know no such action took place. The media is under obligation to promote the truth, with empirical data. All data are now on the table and the media have access to these facts.

There is no reason the media should report the lies of a hypocrite, as if they are true. The integrity of information circulated is key. Shekarau is the personification of hypocrisy; an elderly man, who sees the truth and embraces falsehood. He is a societal misfit.

disrespectfalsehoodillegalityTrans-Amadi Mosque
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