My empathy for indigent women and youths is a calling –Elizabeth Ndidi Moses

To many people, she is many things, a singer, songwriter, recording artist, blogger, youth coach and philanthropist, to mention but few. Above all, Elizabeth Ndidi Moses, popularly known as Liza C, will tell you, “I am a lover of Jesus.” The multi-talented woman, famous for her Street Concert initiative, has in the last few years expanded her sphere of influence for the purpose of impacting lives through singing and philanthropy. In this interview with The Nigerian Xpress, she gave an inside view of her world, including what makes her marriage tick after 16 years, and why some gospel musicians go secular after achieving modest fame.

Tell us briefly about yourself

I am Liza C, full name Elizabeth Ndidi Moses. I’m a lover of Jesus. I’m a singer, songwriter, recording artist, blogger, youth coach and a philanthropist. I am the fourth and last child born to the family of Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Chukwu in Umuahia, Abia State. Now, I am from Akwa Ibom by marriage.

Yearly, you take artists like Buchi, Eben and others to low-income communities for Street Concert. How did you come about the initiative?

Street Concert initiative was born in April 2017 when I decided to celebrate my 15 years of God’s faithfulness in my music life and achievements on stage. Then came this strong desire to reach out and touch lives in a different way. I had organised many musical concerts prior to this time, especially the “Liza C & Friends Concert” since 2008.

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This time I just knew it was a new dawn and God was leading and directing me to do something I’d never done before; something beyond music and entertainment but a concert driven by love and sharing that would impact on the lives of the underprivileged persons, living on the streets. My eyes became open to the street communities, as the target audience for the show of God’s love. Liza C Street Concert now holds twice every year and has now become a movement.

What has been the response to the initiative?

Massive reception! Every Street Concert has been a phenomenon. The excitement and joy on the faces of participants can’t be described, from the children, the youths and women. Everyone wants to be loved, wants to be remembered, cherished and celebrated. Love is so strong; it breaks through barriers, strongholds even the hardest criminal can be won by love. God is Love. Everyone needs God in their lives.

Some run some empowerment programmes for indigent women and youth. Is your empathy for the poor a product of your childhood experience?

Some run empowerment programmes for indigent women and youth because of their childhood experiences but that’s not exactly so for me. For me, it is more of a calling. I’m simply fulfilling my calling in the gospel. It’s destiny! I am passionately driven with a purpose, and that purpose is changing lives.

What has organising Street Concert taught you?

A simple act of kindness can go a long way to wait for you in the future; that’s what I have been taught. You don’t need to be rich or influential to affect lives. Start with what you have and where you are. Touching lives only comes from a heart that genuinely cares. Even if it’s a cup of water, give it, show a little love today. You can make a difference. You and I have what it takes to make this world a better place.

The launch of Liza Moses Foundation is your newest project. What do you want to achieve with the foundation?

Definitely, it will avail me more opportunity to further affect the lives of indigent women, children and youths living on the Street. Through the empowerment platform, we are poised to do more. Liza Moses Foundation will significantly transform the lives of those who live on the streets across Nigeria, using music, dance, modeling and economic empowerment.

In 2017, one of your singles was titled, ‘Not Ashamed’. Did you sing the song in response to a personal challenge?

Not Ashamed is basically a soul winning song. It isn’t a response to a personal challenge but rather I’m only being bold about Jesus by winning souls. It’s a song to make it clear that I’m not ashamed of the gospel of my Lord Jesus Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes. I’m a labourer in God’s vineyard.

How do you get inspirations for your songs?

 I’m inspired in the place of fellowship, by the Word and by the Holy Spirit. Sometimes, it’s spontaneous, other times; it’s after listening to a message. I also write songs sometimes based on my personal experiences or when I want to communicate a message.

You signed in a young artist, Jeffery, onto your record label in 2018. What are your plans for him?

Jeffery is a fresh talent on board. He is one artist to watch out for. We do have plans to bring up more talents in the nearest future.

 Many female artists break-up with their spouses early in marriage. What is the secret of your union of 16 years?

Friendship, honesty and the fear of God. My husband is my best friend. In marriage, you must be selfless and transparent. You must always be ready to forgive and be patient with each other. Love is not a feeling but a decision. Our decision to put God first, please God first and to live for the gospel is our strongest bond. We decided long ago to love and serve God together and His grace has continually been made available to us.

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Why do artists, who started out in church singing gospel songs deviate into secular music after sometime?

Probably for fame, money, or some other reasons best known to them. This will easily happen to any artist without a solid foundation in Christ, because distraction will come if you are always looking at the wrong thing, or seeking approval and validation from a man, pastor or church. Let the word of God define you. You have the mandate to change the world and not let the world change you. You can only give what you have; when you’re full of the gospel you will give/sing the gospel. Gospel means good news, a Christian is a carrier and conveyor of good news. If you have started with the gospel, stay there for promotion is of the Lord.

What is your mantra?

Dream big, win without gaps and know that all things are possible with God.

What would you like to be remembered for?

I will want people to remember me as a woman of faith, who lived and sang for Jesus; as a strong woman with a large heart who transformed lives and conquered her world for the Kingdom.

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