By Bisi Adeleye-Fayemi

I don’t know how to operate on a patient

I don’t know how drugs are manufactured

I don’t know how to read an X-Ray

I don’t know how to program computers

I don’t know how to use a sewing machine

I don’t know how to grow flowers

I don’t know how to climb a tree to tap Palm-Wine

I don’t know how to make chocolate bars

If I need an operation, I will turn to a surgeon

If I need to buy drugs, I will not get them from the Radiologist

If I am buying a computer, I will not go to the Pharmacy

If I need a new outfit, I will not go to the florist

If I need flowers, I will not go to the Palm-Wine tapper

If I need palm-wine, I will not go to the brewery

If I crave chocolate, I will not go to a poultry

I know what I don’t know

And it does not bother me

Why? Other people know

People who have found their respective callings and dedicated their lives accordingly

People who can be trusted

 People who know what they are doing and what they are talking about

People who have the qualifications to speak with authority

People who might not be infallible, but who know left from right

People who really know about things like 3G, 4G,5G or 50G

People who are not claiming to know what they don’t know

I know what I don’t know

I know what I do know

I am no Surgeon, Pharmacist,Scientist, Engineer, Radiologist or Florist

Do you know the difference between a Chocolate Maker and Chocolatier?

I know they are not the same

READ ALSO: https://www.thexpressng.com/2020/04/09/easter-celebration-lagos-govt-speaks-on-relaxing-covid-19-lockdown/

I know what I don’t know

I know how not to lecture people about things I know next to nothing about

I know better than to mislead people who look up to me and trust me

I know when to say ‘I am not sure’, ‘I don’t know’, ‘Let me find out’ or ‘Why don’t you ask someone else’.

I know how to be curious

I know how to ignore boxes we have to think within or outside of

I know how to form an opinion

I know my opinions do not have to be presented as facts

I know when to bring out my ego and strut my stuff – I do know a thing or two!

I know when to tuck it away into a little box

I know when to talk and talk and talk – about injustice, unfairness and exclusion

I know when to keep my mouth shut

I know when to write and write and write – about living, learning and loving

I know when to keep my fingers still

I know when to suffer fools gladly

I know when to throw a good punch

I know that these are trying times

I know that these are times when we need to truly know the difference

I know that we need to listen to those who really know

I know we need to ignore those who do not know what they do not know

I know what I do know

I know what I don’t know

Bisi Adeleye-Fayemi is a Gender Specialist, Social Entrepreneur and Writer. She is the Founder of Abovewhispers.com, an online community for women. She can be reached at BAF@abovewhispers.com

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