Ever wondered about the origin of God the creator? How do you think God came about? Little Derrick has some idea.
Fine boy, how are you?
My name is Derrick Napoleon.
How old are you?
I am five years old.
Do you go to school?
Do you like school?
Yes, I like my school.
What is the name of your school?
The name of my school is Triumph.
Do you have daddy and Mommy?
Do you love them?
But which of them do you love more?
I love my mommy more.
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Why do you love her more?
She is the one that gives me food.
Where does she get money to buy the food?
I don’t know.
You don’t know?
Yes… maybe my daddy gives her the money
Is this your sister?
You have a beautiful sister
Yes, my beautiful beautiful.
Does she go to school with you?
No, she does not go to school
Maybe because she is just a baby
So, babies don’t go to school?
What then does your sister do?
She stays at home, eating and sleeping.
Do you like going to church?
Yes, I like going t church.
What do you do in church?
We dance and pray in church.
What would you like to be in future?
I want to be a pastor.
Pastor, why?
So that I can pray to God for people.
Why do you pray to God?
God is created everyone and bigger than all.
Ah ah, I thought your daddy and mommy created you.
No, they did not.
But they are your daddy and mommy
Why then did you say they didn’t create you?
Because God created them too.
Who told you that?
My auntie said God created everything and everyone.
So, who then created God?
I don’t know.
You don’t know…Does God have mommy and daddy?
I don’t know; my auntie did not tell me.
You believe your auntie so much?
Yes, she is very intelligent; she knows everything.
But she does not know God’s parents?
No, no, uncle; God does not have parents; He created everything and everyone
So, who created God?
I think maybe God created Himself.