‘Heaven is up up above’

Many still wonder where heaven is located. That does not seem to bother this little damsel. For her, heaven is up there in the sky. If you are not convinced or have problems with it; that does not bother Rebecca, as she has made up her mind and told Ganiu Toheeb that heaven could not be anywhere else but up up above.

What is your name?

My name is Rebecca Abiola Alao.

How old are you?

I am five years old.

What is the name of your school?

The name of my school is Nikamos Nursery & Primary School.

Do you like going to school?



To learn how to read and write.

So, can you read and write?

Yes, small…

Apart from school, where else do you like going?

I like going to church.

What do you do there?

I go there to praise God.

God, who is God?

God is our Creator.

Have you seen God before?


Does He live in your church?

No, He lives in heaven.

Where is heaven, is it in your village?

Nooo! Heaven is up up above.

Who told you that?

My auntie said so.

Do you believe your auntie?



My auntie is very intelligent; she knows everything.

Are you a good girl or a bad girl?

I am a good girl.

What makes you think you are a good girl?

Because I obey my daddy and my mommy.

Really? Who do you obey more, mommy or daddy?

My mummy; I love my mommy.


Because she takes care of me and buys me things.

Is it not your daddy that gives her the money to buy the things?

Yes, my daddy has money. I love my daddy too.

Do you like money?


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To use it to buy biscuits.

Is it good to save money?



So that it will become plenty.

Have you decided what you want to be in future?


What is that?

A doctor.

What do doctors do?

They take care of sick people.

Have you been sick before?

Yes, and doctors made me well again.

So, you want to help others too?



Because God said we should help others; they help me too when I am in need like that time I was sick.

What food do you like most?

Plantain and egg.


Because it is sweet

Do you have best friend?

Yes, Elizabeth.

Why is she your best friend?

Because she is good

What do you enjoy doing?


What is your best cartoon?


What is your best colour?

Yellow and red.

What is your best subject?

English language.

Ganiu ToheebRebecca
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