FASHION: Be embroidered in Phoenix

Whenever the need for embroidery designs arises in cloth making,

The preference of Phoenix embroidery design can never be over emphasized.

This is because of its uniqueness in creating varieties of styles from its same name equipment called the Phoenix embroidery machine.

According to male designer, Soyemi Olayinka of Offingo House of fashion, Phoenix design can actually be traced back to the early 17th-18th  century.


“Phoenix embroidery design is one of the world’s famous designs that has been used overtime. This is due to the fact it gives an outstanding look on whatever fabric you are using”.

“It came into Nigeria in the early 40s but was not well known until the early 60s when it took the world of Africa fashion by storm”.

The fact is that you can create whatever you imagine and equally play with various colours to make it look better than other kind of embroidery. Its durability factor is also one of the major reasons fashion designers like me prefer the Phoenix embroidery design”.

Offingo House of fashionPhoenix designSoyemi Olayinka
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