COVID-19: WHO says virus came from animals, not lab manipulation

Anthony Iwuoma

The World Health Organisation (WHO), on Tuesday, debunked speculations that Coronavirus, also COVID-19, was a creation of manipulations in any laboratory.

Rather the world health body revealed that all available evidence suggests that it emanated from bats in China late last year.

Donald Trump, president of the United States, had indicated that his government was trying to determine whether Covid-19 was created in a laboratory in Wuhan,  China.


However, WHO spokesperson, Fadela Chaib, dismissed the fear in a news briefing in Geneva, Switzerland.

She said, “All available evidence suggests the virus has an animal origin and is not manipulated or constructed virus in a lab or somewhere else.   It is probable, likely that the virus is of animal origin.

‘’It is not clear how the virus jumped the species barrier to humans but there had ‘certainly’ been an intermediate animal host.”

Fadela ChaibWHO spokesperson
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