COVID-19: Bayelsa Task Force harps on use of face masks

The Bayelsa State Task Force on Coronavirus is emphasising the use of face masks in public places by residents.

This initiative, which is in line with the directives handed down by the Nigerian Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) is aimed at checking the spread of the virus in the country.


In a statement, issued by Dr. Inodu Apoku, Permanent Secretary Ministry of Health and Chairman, Bayelsa State Task Force on COVID-19 Implementation Committee, he said, “We all are witnesses to the rise in the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the country in the past few days which, clearly, is attributable to the refusal of people not adhering to the preventive measures prescribed by the World Health Organisation, the Federal and state governments.

“In view of this rise, even though we have not recorded any case as a state, we advise that everyone should take responsibility by applying the safety protocols which will ultimately contain the pandemic. 

“Once again, we advise residents to apply personal hygiene such as frequent hand washing and maintain social distancing as a way of avoiding being infected with the virus and breaking the transmission.”

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