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2023: 74 persons killed in electoral violence – EU

The European Union (EU) has released a damning report the shoddy conduct of the 2023 general elections in Nigeria.
In its final report, titled ‘Election Observation Mission NIGERIA 2023’, the EU noted that at least, 74 persons were reported killed in 101 violent cases that took place during electioneering exercise.

The statement read: “The EU EOM recorded 101 violent incidents during the campaign, including at least 74 fatalities.

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“Assassination attempts and killings increased closer to the polls, creating a particularly insecure environment in the southern states. In several northern states, systematic attacks by political thugs on rallies and political opponents were observed. Use of violence obstructed the campaign, disturbed the elections, and suppressed voter participation.

“Campaigning was also distorted by an influx of unrecorded money and despite campaign finance being comprehensively regulated the law appears largely ineffective.

“EU EOM observers received reports of and saw widespread distribution of goods and vote buying. Several state agencies tried to tackle corrupt practices, yet their results were modest. This is evidencing that political will, enhanced institutional capacity, and robust enforcement synergy are needed to ensure transparency and genuine accountability.”


