Take a fresh look at your lifestyle.

17 easy steps to lose weight

Joy Anyim


“I think I have gained too much weight. I am fat and look older than my age. I want to lose weight, but not be skinny. I just want a perfect figure with the right curves.”

Those were the words of 26-year-old banker, Chinenye (not her real name).

Her worry does not differ from that of many, both singles and married, male and female.

No one wants to be overweight or fat. This is because of the obvious medical reasons and even the new trend of body shaping.

Research has shown that persons who are overweight risk having cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer.

Gaining weight happens gradually, and if not watched, graduates into obesity. In Nigeria, more than I. 5 million cases of obesity are recorded yearly.

It is easier to gain weight, but more difficult to lose it. People gain weight due to some reasons, such as eating too much food, stress, medication, slow metabolism, genetic factors, lack of adequate sleep, poverty and many more.

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To know if you are overweight, your Body Mass Index (BMI) is a determinant. The body mass index is measured by your weight (in kilogramme), divided by the square of your height (in metres).

A person whose BMI is equal to or more than 25 is considered overweight.


How then does one lose weight?

  1. Don’t skip breakfast; eat healthy breakfast.
  2. Eat when hungry and don’t skip meals.
  3. Eat smaller portions of balanced diet.
  4. Eat more fruits and vegetables.
  5. Drink plenty of water. You may also add lemon in your water, especially in your first cup in the morning.
  6. Eat high fibre foods and less carbohydrate.
  7. Exercise and be more active. A minimum of 30 minutes walk per day can help you burn so many calories.
  8. Eat less calories than you burn.
  9. Read food labels before buying them.
  10. Avoid junk food, such as snacks.
  11. Avoid sugary beverage.
  12. Sleep well.
  13. Cut down on alcohol.
  14. Avoid late night food. Eat before 7 pm, and dinner should be served light.
  15. Have a meal plan; don’t starve.
  16. Always check how much improvement you have made in losing weight.
  17. Weight loss pills, tea could be used, but should be on the prescription of a medical personnel or a dietitian.

It is also very important to emphasise on the need to see a doctor when you begin to add too much weight.

It could be an indication that a woman is pregnant or could be a pointer to a medical issue for both.
